A segment is a dynamic data selection. You can use segments to choose a certain group of objects (for example, only active users or only paid orders, etc.).
There are several types of segments:
In order to create a segment conditions with certain parameters and used as well as logical operators «AND», «OR», «NOT» that form a rule for this segment.
When a new user meets this rule, he is added to this segment. This is how a dynamic section works: it is always up-to-date.

«New selection» resets an existent segment, so you can choose conditions for a new one.

To reset a selection by users performed by segments creation or fields (email, a name, a type, etc.), you need to press «Reset».

If you use some segment on a regular basis, you can save it by clicking on «Save as». Then insert a name for this segment.

To delete a segment choose it firstly in the relevant section and delete it. Only a segment, a selection are to delete. Users, orders, purchases, payments and calls remain in a base in your account.
To delete a segment by users you need to get to «User» module, «User» section, to choose a needed segment and press «Delete a segment» button:

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