There are several templates of blocks with images:

Big image — is an image in the center of a screen with a caption below. It is possible to add combined blocks where an image is located nearby a text.
Text with image on the right, Text with image on the left — are two blocks with two columns, content of which can be edited independently.
Full screen image — a big image that covers a full screen.
Image tiles — preview of several images which are to be opened in full size by a click. Once clicking on one of images in edit mode you can change the number of images.
Slider and Full width slider allow inserting several images and switching between them (the way of navigation can be changed in settings).
Review slider allows adding several small images and text below them.
Presentation — an administrator is able to look through images added to a presentation (previous/next).
Images comparison allows inserting two images to one block. It is possible to switch between them with the help of slider.

Image comparison
In image settings you can set individual indents, alignment, add shadow, set corners rounding and use other settings for «Big image», «Text with image on the right», «Text with image on the left» blocks.

Images in the most blocks types are optimized to increase the page loading speed. At the same time, they are compressed to a certain size, which differs for various blocks types. Most often, when optimizing, the change in image quality is insignificant.
For all blocks types with images, except for the «Big image» and «Review slider» blocks, you can set «Do not optimize the image» option. This option prevents image compression. When using it, the image size remains the same as in the original file.
«Do not optimize image» flag may be useful for:
- users who optimize the images themselves, bringing their size to the required;
- users for whom image quality is more important than the speed of its loading.

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