Help center

What Will Happen with Registration Form if a User with the Same Email Already Exists?

If a user puts there an email which was already used when an account registration, the following message pops up: the email already exists, it is needed to enter a password. If a password is lost, it is possible to get a link for a new password setting to the same email.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Change Mailing Category in a Form

You can edit subscription on mailings category appearing after filling in a form by adding “Edit mailing category” option in a form block settings. Select a category in a list and specify an action for this category.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Add a User as a Partner in a Form

You can create a form for auto registration for your partners by adding “Register a user as a partner” option in a form block settings.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Set Up an Order in a Form

You can find additional order settings in a form handler: -to assign a manager to an order, -to tag an order.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Launch a Process in a Form

You can launch a process for a user in a form.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Send a Letter in a Form

You can send a letter or a chain of letters to a user after he filled in a request form in your GetCourse project.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

Is It Possible to Set a Maximum Discount Threshold?

Sure! To do this, in the settings of the promotion event, you need to set “but not more than __% of the offer cost” (for example, not more than 50%).
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Issue a Discount for Only One of the Items in a Large Order?

To issue a discount for only one of the items in a large order, you must check the corresponding checkbox in the promotion event settings.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

Upsell in a Form

How to organize additional sale in GetCourse form? In setting of block with form with an offer add “Offer an addition” option, fill in “Title” and “Text” fields with information about an offer, choose it in a list or create a new one.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

Where Can I Find Partners?

If you want to lead your business on the next level, you have to deal with partners. As a result you will get new customers, new orders, advertisement for your business. Partners could be your customers as well as competitors.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support