An order that was created accidentally or for a testing purpose can be transferred to the “False” status. This status essentially means the order has been deleted. That is, such an order will not be displayed in the general list of orders and will not be included in the sales statistics.

To delete orders in bulk (for example, random or test ones), you need to select the desired segment subject for removing and transfer these orders to the “False” status.
False orders are not displayed in the system and are not counted in statistics.

For details on how to delete test orders in bulk (for example, belonging to the same test user), see this article.

The list of false orders can be viewed on the orders page by selecting false orders in the “Status” column.

If in the future you plan to work with orders, the status of which you change, it is recommended to use the “Canceled” status instead of “False”. Orders with the “Canceled” status are displayed in the general list of orders; you can make selections for them, for example, for sending mailings. You can also specify the reason of the cancellation in canceled orders list.

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