By default, an order has “New” status right after its creation. After acceptance of a payment it gets “Completed” status, then a purchase is created, so a user gets access envisaged in a product.
If an order was paid partially, it has “Partially paid” status.
When a manager works with orders, he can use additional statuses: “Processing”, “Pending payment”, “Not confirmed”, “Postponed”, “Pending refund”.
Orders with “Cancelled” or “False” statuses are not included to order report. Moreover, “false” orders are not taken into account in statistics. A user won’t be able to purchase a cancelled or “false” order. When assigning “Cancelled” status to an order, you can specify a reason of its cancellation in order to analyze reasons why customers refuse purchasing an order.
You can change order’s status in order card, via bulk actions with a selection of orders or in a process.

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