There are situations when creating an order - you need to transfer additional information of the purchase:
- choose the appropriate date for the webinar from the proposed ones;
- user comments to the order;
- data about the employee/manager who will be trained (if the head pays), etc.
For such purposes, you can create an additional order field (similar to an additional user field, but information is stored in the order).
Open the 'Orders' section and click the 'Additional fields' link:

Next you need to create the required fields, choosing the appropriate type (it will determine the size for entering text or the ability to choose from several options).
After creating additional order fields, they will be available for placement on the form.
And the data entered in these fields will be indicated within the created order.
You can also specify or change the value of the additional field of an order by a bulk action by the selection of orders using the button “Action” - “Change the additional field value” or by the use of the process.
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