You can choose the following options to entry a process and bulk task creation:
once after launching;
check periodically;
when object creation.

Disabled: process is disabled and it doesn’t initiate tasks performing on its own. Disabled processes are created for launching from a form and if there is a necessity to put one process into another one (to create a sub-process).
Once after launching: tasks for objects that meet a rule are created after process launching. If a new object appears, tasks won’t be created for it.
Check periodically: it is a constantly working process with a periodical verification of objects that meet a rule. There are no tasks for objects yet.
Periodical verification is performed every 5-15 minutes: this time range is used by the system to add new objects to a process.
For processes with bulk task creation of «Check periodically» type tasks are generated according to the following rule:
In processes for users and orders 1 task is created for 1 user/order. If a user/an order meets a condition once again, then a task won’t be created twice.
In processes for purchases several tasks might be created for 1 purchase. If a purchase meets a condition once again, then a new task will be created. It allows making an automatic payment process repeatable for the same purchase.
When periodical verification of bulk task creation you can specify a time range:
Check from — date and time when verification and task creation are started. If some objects that meet a condition existed before this time, tasks aren’t created for them.
Check upon and Terminate a process at — date and time when verification on meeting a condition and new tasks creation are terminated. Currently, these two conditions work in the same way, you can use any of them.
After reaching a specified time a process gets «Active» status (time of verification is expired).
Important: new tasks won’t be created since this time, but already created tasks will be completed.
If you use «Terminate a process» option, then after execution of all tasks a status of a process will be «Terminated».
Pay attention: time is show according to timezone of Moscow city (UTC +03.00) as everywhere in GetCourse.

When object creation — after creation of an object (if it meets a rule) a task is created as well. This option might be useful when you need to include to a process only those objects which were created after its launching.
Important: if this option is used, there is no need to specify a condition. That’s why we recommend using this type without additional conditions.
If you need to add a condition for a task creation, choose «Check periodically» type of verification.
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