All incoming traffic in your account can be divided into several types depending on how and where users followed a link to a website from:
- direct visits;
- internal traffic;
- clicking on links on sites;
- search engines;
- configured channels;
- marked traffic (UTM);
- social networks;
- mailings;
- invitations/partners.
A traffic type is one of the options for grouping a report in the «Traffic» section.

Direct visits are redirections after clicking on links from the bookmarks of web browsers and also as a result of manually typing the address of a website. This also includes following links from applications on a personal computer (for example, the interlocutor sent a link to a website on Skype), clicks on links in files that were downloaded and saved on a PC.

Internal traffic is recorded if the visitor’s activity on a website is interrupted for more than 30 minutes. For example, a person has moved away from the monitor or switched to another tab. After the activity is restored, GetCourse registers a new visit with the above mentioned source

Clicking on links on sites — bring visitors to your website and leave as the referrer the URL of the previous page from which the user went to a website

Search engines — clicks are made on the links on the search results pages. GetCourse defines most search engines (the search phrase for this type of traffic is not recorded). A channel is a search engine domain, domains of the same search engine are grouped into channel groups.

Configured channels — shows clicks on links on those channels that were configured in the «Traffic — Channels» section.

Marked traffic (UTM) — clicks on links marked with UTM tags for which channels or campaigns were not created.

Social networks — followings are made through links to a website from social networks. The following groups belong to this type of traffic: Vkontakte, Instagram, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Pinterest, Youtube. The system distributes visits on different channels based on the domain of the page from which the user has logged

Mailings — followings of this type of traffic mean that the visitor clicked on the link from the mailing leading to a website.
If there is a link in the mailing, when you click on it, special parameters are substituted that allow you to track from which mailing the following occurred and transfer this data to the report.
The key of the distribution channel is its ID, note that this channel is generated automatically for each distribution, after the first visit appears, that is, the link from the letter will be clicked.

Invitations/Partners — clicks with partner codes (from participants in the affiliate program), or users attracted by your students, get here.
If one partner has several partner codes, a channel will be formed for each.
As in the case of followings from mailings, the channel is automatically generated based on the partner code.

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