In his personal account, a partner can receive information on the terms of the partnership program, as well as information about referrals. At the same time, if the partner does not have access to user cards, then he will see only the name and surname of the referral.

If you need to give the partner more detailed information about the referral, you can use the process.
In the input condition of the process, you need to add a condition for users 'From partner':

Inside the process, add the operation 'Notify partner':

In this block, you can write the text of a message that will go to the partner for each new object. You can use variables in the text, for example, the following:
First name - {first_name}
Last name - {last_name}
Phone - {phone}
Order number - {number}
Order contents - {positions}
Order cost - {cost_money}
Order link - {id}
See the examples below on how to correctly specify the macro.

After starting the process, such a message will be sent to the corresponding partner - for example, when registering a new referral.
Message example of users process:

Message example of orders process:

If, on the contrary, you need to transfer data about the partner, who invited him, to the referral, you can send the referral a regular mailing using the following macros:

You can also send a notification to the partner about the payment for the referral order. More details on the link.
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