An order is a record on a product which contains information about what is for sale, under which conditions, who could purchase it and who sells it. The order contains data about offer, its price, a customer, a payment. The order has its status and history of changes.
You can find all information in order card.
A customer (a user who should purchase the order) is a mandatory attribute. The order can’t be placed without him.
A customer with relevant rights is able to change the order’s status from “New” to “Completed”. Mind that you can’t delete the order. You can make it “False”, then it won’t be taken into account in statistics.
The order could contain an offer - it is an object that should be paid. You can add several positions to the order.
You can add a payment to the order. Paid payment is called “Purchase” and gives a customer a right to use this product (access to a group, a training, to top up a balance and so on).
Created order can be sent to a user via an action.
A user-customer receives a link to an order page via email. He is informed about order creation in an informer. When following this link, a customer can purchase it by using of one of existent ways.
How the order can be created in the system?
The first option is an auto order, placed by a customer when filing in a contact form.
The second option is a manual order, placed by a manager in the system (see more details here).
You can understand which way was used by viewing a history in order card.

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