Each user’s profile has an “Actions” button, with which you can perform a specific action with this user (for example, create an order or add to a group).

It is also possible to perform a specific action with several users at once. To do this, make the necessary selection of users and click the “Actions” button:

Let's consider some of the actions in more detail:
Grant access to a lesson
- hidden from everyone in the lesson settings,
- not available until the previous stop-lesson is completed.
Read more about this action in the next article.
Send a letter by mailing
The action allows you to select a pre-created mailing and start a one-time sending of a separate message of it.
Please note: this function is not intended to trigger mass mailings. When you start the action “Send mail by mailing” to a large number of users, the sending speed will be slow. To start mass mailings, it is necessary to configure inside the mailing list to whom and when to send it, and start it.
If the user has already received a message on this mailing list before, then for the repeated sending it is necessary to check the box “Send again if a message has already been sent to this object”.

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