Access can be opened:
- Immediately after payment
- Exactly on the specified date, the date is indicated below. If you pay earlier or later than the specified date, access will open exactly on the specified date. Accordingly, if you pay later, the access period will actually be less by the number of days between the specified opening date and the payment date.
- Starting from the date, the date is indicated below. If you pay before the specified date, access will open on the specified date. If you pay later than the specified date, access will open on the payment date.
- N days after payment - after full payment for the order (if access opens with partial payment, then the countdown of days starts from the date of partial payment)
- Never
- N days after opening (convenient for an individual schedule)
- On the specified date (convenient for a general schedule)

You can also use a subscription to limit the access period for a product. It can be renewed and frozen, and automatic renewal can be set up (recurring payments).
Important: for correct operation after the start of sales, it is not recommended to delete products and offers, as well as make changes to them. These actions can lead to the loss of access to training for customers with active purchases and negatively affect orders and purchases.
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