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How to Get out of Spam on iCloud?

What measures should be taken to solve this problem?
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

Visual Constructor for Lessons

“Visual constructor” is a new type of lessons, which could be filled in with a nice content rapidly and conveniently in a manner similar with page constructor.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Work with Unpaid Order?

It often happens when users fill in a form on a website, get to a purchase page, but leave it without making a purchase. As a result an unpaid order appears in the system. With rising of number of users a number of unpaid orders is increasing too. It is possible to deal with them in GetCourse.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

Two-step Registration at GetCourse

Registering in two steps helps to reduce the risk of losing the user, increasing the chance of registering him and at the same time getting all the information you need.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

Sales Statistics

The article describes reports that are used to analyze sales based on existing orders.
1 March 2021Alice Sov

What Affects Email Deliverability?

To increase the effectiveness of mailings, it is necessary to analyze various factors on which the deliverability of letters depends. The GetCourse platform provides functionality that includes tools for preparing mailings with high deliverability.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

What is the “Forbidden” / “Canceled” Status When Sending Emails?

Sent messages (both within the mailing list and that are sent individually) are assigned statuses. In this article we will look at the “Forbidden” and “Canceled” statuses.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

Referral Program Settings

In the “Settings” tab of the “Referral program” section, you can specify how the commission will be distributed if the referral user of one partner followed the referral link or used the referral promo code of another partner.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

How to Proceed Payment for Referral Commission?

You can proceed a payment for a commission to a partner who attracted new customers to your account. All payments are performed without GetCourse participation, i.e. all calculations with partners you carry out on your own in any convenient way (for example, with usage of bank transfer).
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

What Data Does Partner See?

In a personal profile a partner can get full information about terms of a referral program: statistics, a referral code, information on orders, sum of commissions...
1 March 2021GetCourse Support