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Upsell and Cross-Sell Chains

You can set up upsell and cross-sale chains in GetCourse. A chain could look differently and include as many options as you want depending on decisions made by user during purchasing (by choosing “yes” or “not”, to complement an order or to leave it as it is).
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

Feedback Form

This article explains how to create a feedback form on GetCourse.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

Freezing. How Do I Pause a User's Subscription?

What should I do if a student wants to take a break from studying?
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

How to Add an Additional Teacher to the Training?

This article explains how to add teachers to the training, as well as what rights and restrictions can be set for them.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

Variables in Mailings and on Website Pages

This article explain what variables are for and how to use them.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

How to Work with .CSV Files?

If you see symbols when opening the file, don't be alarmed. This article explains how to correct the display.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

When Is a Mailing Sent?

Here you can find out several possible ways to launch a mailing!
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

How to Use Promo Code for Order Purchase?

How and where can the user use the promo code? The field for entering the promo code is located on the purchase page
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova

What are Funnels Needed For?

Funnels allow you to view sales reports for a certain period by different segments.
1 March 2021GetCourse Support

Dynamic Discount Depending on the Order Amount

More bought-got a discount! The discount can now depend on the volume of a one-time purchase and/or on the total amount spent by the customer for a certain period.
1 March 2021Liliya Masagutova